Almost Hate Speech


    For your satisfaction doing anything in your life, you’ll need to sacrifice some shit. Since I’m a shitty-hopper guy, I’ve written this as a message for my older/ younger self, maybe sending a very-fast-spacetime-data-transfer method [concept I just made, but it looks cool] will be found. I’ll forward this message to myself, I dunno. You can never stop hopping, tl;dr: please redirect your hopping better. But please fucking read the whole letter, bitch.


    First of all, do you know how many new opportunities can be found on the same topic? Like if you focused on a branch’s specifications, you’ll discover hopping among them pretty impressive. You always get bored, but that’s because you limit your vision on the topic’s spectrum. Just go Fourier-transform the subject. You’ll find an infinite variety of whole new &different waves, and you can fucking hop among them too! Instead of just hopping from STEM to Arts, you can get within the various STEM fields, or even with different arts; I know it’s a bit less more relaxed. Still, this distant hopping will throw you out from life, it’s already meaningless, don’t make it meaninglessly empty pathetic life, Please.


     A wise man said that each person has a purpose, but I’m telling you this is bullshit. Does this mean that you’re free to do anything? Technically yes, but this will just make you less comfortable. Recall your time loning; what is the only thing that always comforts you when you’re with yourself ;), Just go on doing it. Stop being affected, but people’s standards or your lack of capability; if someone did it, you can. Hop as much as you want, bro, but just make sure you got enough knowledge in the topic before you ran away. You don’t wanna bitchy nerd wronging you on some shit.


    I planned to write a really long letter. Still, I lost interest in this bullshit tbh, so you know.. be good.. eat good.. floss, please.. study math as early as you can [cries on the lost chances].. and you know the highest priority; always be yourself. And yeah, FUCK YOU PIECE OF SHIT, YOU FUCKING LOST A LOT OF CHANCES CUZ OF YOUR STUPIDITY. Goodbye.